[google-fit chartType=”bar” range=”day” count=”7″ offset=”1″ dataType=”steps” activities=”” label=”7 day bar chart of steps”]
[google-fit chartType=”bar” range=”month” count=”7″ offset=”1″ dataType=”steps” activities=”” label=”7 month bar chart of steps”]
[google-fit chartType=”bar” range=”year” count=”7″ offset=”1″ dataType=”steps” activities=”” label=”7 year bar chart of steps”]
[google-fit chartType=”line” range=”day” count=”7″ offset=”1″ dataType=”steps” activities=”” label=”7 day line chart of steps”]
[google-fit chartType=”line” range=”month” count=”7″ offset=”1″ dataType=”steps” activities=”” label=”7 month line chart of steps”]
[google-fit chartType=”line” range=”year” count=”7″ offset=”1″ dataType=”steps” activities=”” label=”7 year line chart of steps”]