Tagged: SharePoint


SharePoint SPWeb object Bad Language

If you are running your C# code in different thread (e.g.: async EventReceivers or TimerJob), sometimes you may notice, that your SPWeb object is initialized in different language. You can use SPUtility.SetThreadCulture method to...


System.ServiceModel.ServiceActivationException SharePoint JSOM

Using SharePoint JSOM api i have encountered very strange exception. Call to clientContext.executeQueryAsync threw sometimes exception System.ServiceModel.ServiceActivationException and responded with status 500. In our case it was problem with available RAM on development server. Actually it...

UpdatePanel postback full page reload 0

UpdatePanel postback full page reload

On my journey from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2013 occured very strange problem. The project which I was migrating was using ASP UpdatePanels in combination with GridViews. The problem was that, if i clicked...